Add a new container

From the menu select Container instances then click Add container.

Complete the configuration, using the table below as a guide:



Select the subscription you want to use for the container.

Resource group

If two or more resource groups exist, select the resource group to use.


Select which Azure datacenter to run the container in. If virtual networks are available in a location, a count will be displayed alongside the location name.


Give the container a descriptive name.


Enter the name of the image that will be used to deploy the container.


Select the OS (typically Linux or Windows).


Click Add tag to add a new tag, and provide the Name and Value for each tag as needed. Click the trash icon next to a tag to remove it.

Network Settings

In this section you can configure the network for your container as well as the ports to publish.


Private Network

Toggle this option on if you wish to use a pre-existing private network for your container.

Virtual Network

When Private Network is enabled, select the network to use. The selection will be limited on what is available in your selected location.


When Private Network is enabled, select the subnet to use within your network (where relevant).


Enter the port number and select TCP or UDP to publish your container on the specified port and protocol. Click Add port to publish additional ports.

Container Resources

Here you can specify the resources available to your container.



Define how many CPUs to allocate to the container.

Memory (GB)

Define how much memory in GB to allocate to the container.


This section lets you specify a volume you want to be accessible from the container.


Enable volumes

Toggle this option on to enable adding a volume to this container.

File share name

Enter the file share name for the volume.

Storage account

Enter the name of the storage account with access to the file share.

Storage account key

Enter the key for the above storage account.

Mount path

Enter the path within the container to mount the volume.


Here you can enable GPU support for the container and specify the GPU to use.

GPUs are currently a preview feature for Azure Container Instances and only available in select locations. Ensure you have access to GPUs before using this feature.


Enable GPUs

Toggle this on to enable GPU support for this container.

GPU type

Select the type of GPU to use.

GPU count

Enter the number of GPUs to use.

When you're ready, click Deploy the container. When the deployment has finished, you'll see it in the list of Azure container instances.

Last updated