Release Notes
The following release notes are for the Business Edition of Portainer. For Community Edition release notes, refer to the GitHub releases page.
Release 2.19.5
April 22, 2024
Resolved CVE-2024-29296 by creating uniform response time for login attempts
Release 2.19.4
December 6, 2023
Resolved the inability to change the replica set for a swarm service, addressing errors related to invalid CredentialSpec (A refresh of your browser cache may be required) portainer/portainer#10702
Release 2.19.3
November 22, 2023
Resolved an issue where polling and webhook methods failed to update the Stack portainer/portainer#10673
Release 2.19.2
November 13, 2023
Breaking changes
Deprecation notice of Nomad support in next minor release.
Fixed bug around Update and Rollback menu showing when Edge Compute feature is disabled.
Resolved an issue where edge group details were missing from the update and rollback table.
Resolved an issue where searching on the Update & Rollback page caused the screen to go blank
Resolved an issue where users were unable to delete any failed remote update scheduler entries.
Resolved an issue where edge stack rollback and pause updates remained stuck in the pending state
Resolved an issue where the update scheduler would stay in a "pending" state indefinitely, even when some edge agents were already running the latest version in the target edge group.
Added a deprecation notice to inform users about the upcoming removal of Nomad support in next minor release.
Resolved an issue where the Docker service page could not load correctly when the deployment was created using the GMSA credential spec parameter. portainer/portainer#10571
Introduced the ability for Helm chart repository searching and registry browsing to operate behind a forward proxy. portainer/portainer#10432
Improved security around non-admin user environment information access. portainer/portainer#10434
Fixed 'unable to upgrade' error that could potentially occur when upgrading from CE to BE.
Resolved an issue where stacks that were initially deployed from a template could not be modified. portainer/portainer#10563
Resolved an issue where users couldn't define a proxy for the agent and edge agent when their network relied on a proxy for internet access. portainer/portainer#10564
Resolved an issue where pulling and redeploying Git stacks took longer than expected. portainer/portainer#10565
Resolved an issue where stacks triggered from webhooks were marked as inactive status, even though they were running as expected portainer/portainer#10567
Improved storage efficiency by retaining only one copy of Git repositories for versioning, preventing excessive disk usage.
Fixed an issue where authentication failures occurred when editing stacks deployed from Git repositories created with version 2.19.0 or 2.19.1.
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 when deploying from a custom template that was set up via API, where defined mustache variables are not always being prompted for.
Resolved an issue where users could interact with a console even after logging out from another tab in the browser portainer/portainer#10568
Resolved an issue where there was no warning for version mismatch between the server and edge agent, now UI clearly indicates matching server and edge agent versions are required for feature availability. portainer/portainer#10569
Resolved an issue where containers were not deleted when users removed them from asynchronous environments by browsing snapshots.
Rest API Changes
Improved security around non-admin users and their permissions. portainer/portainer#10434
Release 2.19.1
September 20, 2023
Breaking changes
Changes to API format and checking of some requests - See REST API Changes below for more details.
Resolved an issue with snapshots between Edge Agent versions 2.18.2 and Portainer Server 2.19.0, which caused dropping of remote commands in async mode due to mismatches.
Database migration for edge URLs now includes a check to verify if the edge feature is enabled. This fix ensures a more accurate and controlled upgrade process.
Fixed an issue where the migration of Edge Tunnel URLs was broken when the Portainer API URL did not contain a port.
We've improved the transparency of Edge Agent update scheduler and rollback statuses. Now, you'll have clear explanations for each status, simplifying monitoring and management.
We've added a info notice to clarify that the option to update edge agent from a private registry is exclusively available in Edge Agent version 2.18.1 or newer.
Fixed an issue where edge devices in the waiting room were incorrectly counted as part of the dynamic edge group.
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 where standard and read-only users could no longer view node stats on a Kubernetes cluster.
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 where the Kubernetes Create Application screen no longer showed in the bottom of page summary when a Deployment would be created.
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 where MicroK8s cluster creation would fail if the SSH access used a passworded login and sudo access required the password.
Fixed an issue where backup files were missing the Chisel private key. This could have disrupted communication between the Portainer server and agent after a restoration from backup. portainer/portainer#10335
Improved the upgrade process for the Portainer server, upgrade process now halts on database migration errors, preventing database version mismatches for a more stable environment. portainer/portainer#10336
Fixed an issue when chatbot integration was enabled globally, where a user who then set a chatbot key could not subsequently clear out their key to turn off the feature for themselves.
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 when the chatbot integration feature was enabled for a user, where container logs did not display in the log viewer unless in full-screen mode.
Fixed an issue where webhooks were failing when updating a stack deployed from a private Git repository.
We've added a backup reminder for in-app updates, ensuring data safety during the update process.
Resolved issue where failed stack status persists after incorrect compose from Git. Now auto-recovers with the next successful update.
Fixed an issue where usernames and passwords were being stored along with Git stack configurations when Git credentials were used.
Fixed an issue where using spaces in an Organizational Unit (OU) or Common Name (CN) name caused incorrect data to be displayed in the Active Directory configuration.
Fixed an issue where toggles could be activated outside of their intended component area, potentially leading to inadvertent toggling. portainer/portainer#10324
REST API Changes
Fixed API endpoints that were broken in the 2.19.0 release, ensuring that they retain their previous functionality. portainer/portainer#10337
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 when Kubernetes environment metrics API features were enabled, where these features would return an 'Unable to reach metrics API' error.
Introduced new format around the change of a user's password via API. portainer/portainer#10326
Updated the checking around change of a user via API. portainer/portainer#10326
Release 2.19.0
August 31, 2023
Breaking changes
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to enable/disable community addons on a MicroK8s cluster created via Portainer. Note: On upgrade to this release, existing MicroK8s clusters created via Portainer are set to allow community addons.
A number of components/views have been migrated from Angular to React.
Helm, eksctl, and docker-compose have been updated to newer versions.
Internal versioning on stacks feature has introduced file structure changes in 2.19.
We have addressed an API issue in which an incorrect parameter was being used for API endpoint
. Users relying on the HasEdgeGroup parameter should now use HasEdgeJob to achieve the intended functionality.Select API endpoints are broken and will be restored in the next release:- see REST API changes for specific details.
Resolved CVEs
Updated the Docker Compose binary to v2.20.2, to resolve CVEs. portainer/portainer#10099
Updated the Helm binary to v3.12.2, to resolve CVEs. portainer/portainer#10100
Resolve identified CVEs.
Updated various packages to resolve CVEs. portainer/portainer#9224
Updated various packages in the agent, to resolve CVEs.
Fixed an issue where the edge agent was getting disconnected due to user updates to their remote update scheduler.
Resolved an issue where users were unable to create a rollback and subsequently edit it from the scheduler.
Introduced visual enhancement of dynamic progress bar for clearer edge stack status tracking. Get real-time deployment progress at a glance.
Fixed an issue where deploying a large volume edge stack triggered a 'URI too large' error. portainer/portainer#10128
Resolved an issue where edge devices were not fully shown in the waiting room when the total amount exceeded 100
Introducing new statuses - 'Running', 'Deploying', and 'Partially running' - for increased transparency in edge stack monitoring.
Introduced staggered deployment & rollback for edge stacks. Update in stages, reduce risks & revert failed updates seamlessly.
Introduced internal versioning & Git commit ID as edge stack version. Clearer version tracking for Git-deployed stacks.
Added support for relative paths in Git-deployed edge stacks.
Resolved an issue where the 'change windows setting' option was shifting outside of the div when a user was using a smaller screen
Fixed an API issue where the incorrect parameter HasEdgeGroup was being used instead of HasEdgeJob for endpoint /edge_groups. Users relying on the HasEdgeGroup parameter should now use HasEdgeJob to achieve the intended functionality.
Introducing the ability to use environment variables for edge stack.
Introducing a new feature: GitOps Edge Configurations, which simplify edge device configurations with GitOps. Effortlessly manage settings via version-controlled Git repositories for enhanced configuration control.
Introducing the latest commit ID display in edge stacks. Perfect for GitOps updates, this feature lets you easily track your running version. Stay informed and up-to-date effortlessly.
Introduced ability to push per-device configurations effortlessly. Bundle settings in a zip package, Portainer matches and delivers to edge devices. Simplify management, enhance precision.
Fixed an issue where the count of edge stack deployments was incorrect when dealing with asynchronous devices exceeding 100.
Fixed an issue where the order of the list changed while logs were being retrieved, and where previously cleared logs were reappearing after retrieving logs for a different environment.
Improved logging for edge agent when polling fails. This enhancement provides more informative and detailed logs when polling encounters failures, aiding in quicker identification and resolution of issues. portainer/portainer#10143
Introduced a feature that empowers you to associate edge devices with newly selected or dynamically generated meta values. Enhance flexibility and precision in device management with this innovative addition.
Introduced an informative enhancement to the waiting room experience. With the addition of the 'Last Check-In' field, users now have valuable insights into when edge devices last communicated with the Portainer server.
Introduced ability to remove edge devices that you no longer want sitting in the waiting room. This feature empowers you with streamlined waiting room management, enabling you to maintain a dynamic and optimised edge environment.
Resolved an issue where editing an existing scheduler caused an error due to a missing edge stack on a related endpoint.
Resolved an issue where users were able to create schedulers with an empty edge group, which is no longer allowed to ensure proper functionality and avoid potential errors portainer/portainer#10149
Resolved an issue with Portainer tunnel server address validation error during migration. This fix ensures that when migrating, tunnel server addresses are validated correctly.
Fixed an issue where Edge groups were incorrectly marked as 'in use' after a scheduler was executed.
Addressed an issue where snapshot information was not reliable when the environment was offline. This fix ensures that snapshot information is now accurately presented even when the environment is offline.
Resolved an issue where the count for acknowledged edge stacks was dropping after deployment.
Resolved an issue where the edge agent default poll frequency selector was not lining up correctly portainer/portainer#10150
Resolved an issue where users were unable to create an edge group when there were no members present in that group. Edge groups can now be created without requiring initial members, offering greater flexibility in edge device and configuration management. portainer/portainer#10153
Introduce an enhancement to our snapshot creation process for edge devices which streamlines the snapshot creation experience, providing users with a more efficient and user-friendly way to capture snapshots on edge devices. portainer/portainer#10154
Introduced ability to seamlessly browse snapshots for your asynchronous environment and access detailed stack information.
Fixed an issue where environment files were not functioning properly in Git deployments for edge stacks. portainer/portainer#10171
Introduced webhooks for edge stack, you can now set up webhooks for your edge stacks, enabling automated polling for GitOps updates. portainer/portainer#10178
Addressed an issue where the Docker client was not utilizing version negotiation. portainer/portainer#10125
Resolved an issue where the image name was displayed incorrectly when a user tried to duplicate or edit a container portainer/portainer#10126
Fixed an issue in the API where sending files to a Docker endpoint resulted in a panic. portainer/portainer#10129
Resolved an issue with Docker Proxy's performance, resulting in improved overall performance and responsiveness when using the Docker Proxy feature. portainer/portainer#10131
Resolved an issue in the Docker Container List where searching by published ports was no longer working. portainer/portainer#6656
Resolved an issue where '.' was not allowed in the image name (but should be) when building a Docker image via the UI. portainer/portainer#8047
Resolved some minor UI issues in Docker Services-related screens. portainer/portainer#10117
Fixed an issue in Docker Swarm version 24.0.0 where image tags were not being displayed. portainer/portainer#10134
Resolved an issue where clicking into the details page of a Swarm stack would redirect users to the service section instead of the top of the page portainer/portainer#10151
Resolved an issue around Operator role users not being able to perform rolling restart, redeploy and rollback to previous version for Deployment, DaemonSet and StatefulSet resources.
Resolved an issue introduced in 2.18 that prevented the use of Amazon EKS provisioning of a Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) cluster.
Fixed a Kubernetes environment issue when restricting access to the default namespace, where any other namespace with a resource quota may have the resource reservations of its apps incorrectly calculated, preventing standard users from editing the apps.
Amended the path for the eksctl binary (used by Amazon EKS KaaS cluster provisioning functionality) to a new expected location.
Adjusted Kubernetes Cluster setup screen's ingress settings to be clearer and to give info on ingress defaults. portainer/portainer#10101
Resolved an issue with Kubernetes ECR image pull where the secret token was not updating on manifest deployment. portainer/portainer#10119
Resolved an issue on use of the 'Restrict Proc Mount Types' Kubernetes pod security constraint where the restriction was not being applied.
Resolved an issue in the Kubernetes Advanced deployment screen, where a backend panic could occur when deploying some invalid YAML manifests.
Updated the link to Portainer documentation (following docs reorganization) for Kubernetes Add Environment via kubeconfig Import.
Resolved an issue where Node stats for a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster gave an error 'unable to retrieve node metrics'.
Migrated the Kubernetes Add/Edit Application screen's Services section from Angular to React. portainer/portainer#9235
Reintroduced the ability to specify and use (via Add/Edit Application) ingress defaults (hostname and annotations). portainer/portainer#10030
Reintroduced the ability to publish via ingress from the Add/Edit Application screen. portainer/portainer#10103
Introduced the ability to force setting of a note when creating/editing a Kubernetes application (via form), so it can immediately be labelled with its intended use.
Introduced correct redirecting of the user, following deployment of a Kubernetes manifest. Previously the user was always returned to the Applications List but will now arrive back at the screen from which they accessed the Advanced Deployment function. portainer/portainer#10115
Migrated the Kubernetes Application Details screen's Summary and Details sections from Angular to React. portainer/portainer#10102
Introduced a loading spinner to the Add/Edit ingress screen's ingress class dropdown, to indicate that available options are still being retrieved. portainer/portainer#10000
Resolved an issue that was occurring on the exposing of Portainer over a subpath, where Kubernetes Cluster Setup and other screens failed to load and reported an error. portainer/portainer#10112
Resolved an issue around limiting of Kubernetes pod security constraints updates.
Split the Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Secrets functionality in order to provide better performance and a clearer user experience. We now have separate tabs in the list screen and separate add/edit functions. portainer/portainer#9222
Introduced the ability to set annotations against Kubernetes Services, so they can be configured for service meshes and other tools.
Resolved an issue with Kubernetes pages where a warning showed in the browser console ('findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode') when resource assignment was first toggled on for the namespace. portainer/portainer#10111
Updated BE Kubernetes Add/Edit Ingress screen to allow use of NodePort or LoadBalancer service types (in addition to existing ClusterIP).
Updated Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Secrets terminology that was previously shown as Configurations, so as to align more clearly with Kubernetes. portainer/portainer#10025
Introduced the ability to specify a manifest to be auto deployed to a Kubernetes cluster when connecting or provisioning one. This allows the environment to be initialized with users, namespaces, secrets, etc., as required.
In the Dashboard screen of Kubernetes environments, Ingresses and Services panels have now been introduced, providing a count of these resources and an easy means to click through and access their list screens. portainer/portainer#9223
Introduced showing of the error that occurs when a Kubernetes deployment is prevented by any pod security constraints that have been enabled.
Migrated Kubernetes Application console page from Angular to React. portainer/portainer#9177
Resolved a Node details issue where nodes showed incorrect role of 'Worker' due to deprecated '' K8s label (now 'control-plane'). Also where MicroK8s cluster nodes were incorrectly identified (though not due to labels). portainer/portainer#10104
Ensured Kubernetes 1.27 is supported with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Ensured Kubernetes 1.26 is supported with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Ensured Kubernetes 1.27 is supported with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Ensured Kubernetes 1.27 is supported with Digital Ocean Kubernetes (DOKS) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Ensured Kubernetes 1.26 is supported with Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Applied updates and ensured Kubernetes 1.27 is supported with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) provisioning of KaaS clusters.
Added Beta support for MicroK8s version 1.28 when creating and managing MicroK8s clusters. Note that 1.27 is still the default option for now, as only limited testing of 1.28 has been performed.
Introduced the ability for admins to enable the nfs addon (that has prerequisites) for a MicroK8s cluster, and for admins and environments admins to enable or disable the nfs addon for a MicroK8s cluster, after is has been provisioned.
Introduced the ability for admins to enable the openebs addon (that has prerequisites) for a MicroK8s cluster, and for admins and environments admins to enable or disable the openebs addon for a MicroK8s cluster, after is has been provisioned.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to retrieve a status report on each control plane node of a MicroK8s cluster.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to enable and disable addons that require arguments and generally specify arguments for addons for a MicroK8s cluster.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to connect via SSH console to nodes in a MicroK8s cluster.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to enable/disable community addons on a MicroK8s cluster created via Portainer. Note: On upgrade to this release, existing MicroK8s clusters created via Portainer are set to allow community addons.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to enable or disable addons for a MicroK8s cluster, after it has been provisioned.
Introduced the ability for admins, when removing a MicroK8s environment, to also delete the cluster on the nodes, leaving them in a fresh state, ready to begin again.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to horizontally scale up or down a MicroK8s cluster (i.e. add or remove nodes), after it has been provisioned.
Introduced the ability for admins and environment admins to upgrade the version of a MicroK8s cluster.
Added support for MicroK8s version 1.27 when creating MicroK8s clusters and removed warnings in the UI around a Metrics Server issue with MicroK8s 1.25 and 1.26, now that they've been patched to resolve the issue.
Fixed an issue in Environment and Cluster Details screens for a MicroK8s cluster that failed to provision via Portainer. In this scenario, the display of enabled addons no longer triggers (whereas, it would previously still attempt it, causing a problem).
Added info text to Kubernetes MicroK8s functionality to inform that nodes must be internet routable and open on certain ports.
Fixed an issue where a bad gateway response occurred when updating an environment with an empty URL. portainer/portainer#10123
Resolved an issue where users were unable to deploy a stack when utilising an image from a private GitLab registry. portainer/portainer#10124
To identify Portainer submenus more clearly, their sub-options are now indented. portainer/portainer#9216
Added a link to the Portainer Assistant/Chatbot settings taking you to an explanatory blogpost.
Fixed an issue where the Portainer Assistant/Chatbot icon could eclipse list table screens' pagination.
Introducing a new feature that enhances version tracking and clarity for stacks deployed from Git repositories.
Resolved an issue around orphaned environments being included in the total count of nodes.
Renamed "Automatic updates" in Git deployment section to "GitOps Updates" to clarify the feature at first glance for users. Please note this is a name change only and no functionality has been altered. portainer/portainer#10175
Resolved an issue with the App Templates screen, where a Kubernetes icon was incorrectly showing for Docker Swarm stacks. Also updated the Swagger API documentation to detail the existence of a 'Compose edge stack' App Template (numbered 4) type. portainer/portainer#10028
Fixed an issue where saving Git credentials and subsequently redeploying a stack resulted in an error.
Resolved a minor UI issue where warning icons were smaller in size in multi-line warning messages. portainer/portainer#10118
Fixed an issue where standard users were unable to create Azure Container Instances (ACI) resources. portainer/portainer#10152
Fixed an issue where line break HTML tags were showing in some pop-up dialogs instead of actual line breaks. portainer/portainer#9226
Improved App Templates page with enhanced cursor icon and tile highlighting portainer/portainer#10136
Improved rolling back to CE from a CE to BE migration, by providing better logging and performing a check that the db file exists. portainer/portainer#9225
Fixed an issue where edge devices were incorrectly counted as nodes while in the waiting room. Now, waiting room devices are excluded from node count, ensuring accurate resource allocation and adherence to policy.
Fixed an issue where the primary environment remained permanently down after restoring from backup. portainer/portainer#10137
Introduced validation to prevent the use of invalid names when creating or editing Kubernetes or Docker Custom Templates. portainer/portainer#10113
Fixed an issue where the 'Skip TLS Verification' option was not functioning properly for custom templates. portainer/portainer#10138
Resolved a minor UI issue where multi-line text-tip and form-error icons were incorrectly vertically center-aligned rather than top-aligned. portainer/portainer#10118
Fixed an issue where the hover interaction for the environment tile on the homepage was missing portainer/portainer#10136
Fixed a security issue where usernames and passwords were displayed in responses. portainer/portainer#10140
Improved error logging in libhttp to provide more useful context. portainer/portainer#10142
Addressed an issue where TLS handshake error messages were being logged, which should only occur when using the DEBUG log level. portainer/portainer#10144
Fixed an issue where using spaces in an Organizational Unit (OU) or Common Name (CN) name caused incorrect data to be displayed in the Active Directory configuration.
Fixed an issue where Git deployment did not synchronize authentication status.
Resolved an issue where unnecessary snapshots were being loaded on the home page, leading to improved loading times and a smoother user experience portainer/portainer#10147
Resolved an issue where users were not being notified about the proper referencing of their uploaded .env files, requiring them to now utilize "stack.env" for appropriate referencing portainer/portainer#10148
Introduced a 'copy to clipboard' button to web editors within the Portainer UI. portainer/portainer#10116
Introduced the ability to manage time in seconds or milliseconds for container logs, expanding your time management options beyond seconds for more insightful troubleshooting. portainer/portainer#10176
Resolved a logging issue with database migrations, where, if an error occurred causing a rollback to the pre-upgrade version of the database, that error was no longer output to the console. portainer/portainer#10110
Provided icons for 'image up to date' indicators (in place of the previous colored circles) shown in Docker Stacks, Services and Containers list screens. This improves accessibility for color-blind users.
Resolved an issue that prevented users from stopping stacks with invalid project names during their upgrade from versions 2.6 or 2.7 to 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, and subsequent versions. portainer/portainer#10163
Resolved an issue that prevented users from deleting stacks with invalid project names during their upgrade from versions 2.6 or 2.7 to 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, and subsequent versions. portainer/portainer#10164
Resolved an issue where users were unable to browse image tags in a private Sonatype registry.
Resolved an issue where mouse clicks were not functioning within the "Display Users" section of Active Directory under authentication settings.
Resolved an issue where users were encountering difficulties when attempting to push images using a service principal account on Azure Registry. portainer/portainer#10155
Fixed an issue where delete confirmation modals were absent for edge stacks, Docker images, environment groups, and tags. portainer/portainer#10156
Fixed an issue where the creation of manifest file paths slice was incorrect. portainer/portainer#10170
Resolved a minor grammatical issue with a log line recorded when the Docker image up to date indicator check runs but there are no registries defined.
Community contribution - The enhancement ensures that the response rewrite operation is properly wrapped with a valid status check, contributing to a more robust and reliable system behavior. portainer/portainer#2705
Fixed an issue where enabling GPU support on existing containers resulted in errors. portainer/portainer#10174
Addressed an issue where users were unable to update the TLS certificate for the Docker API environment. portainer/portainer#10166
Resolved an issue where incorrect AWS ECR icon was used when creating registry portainer/portainer#10162
Added a feature that allows users to update to the latest Portainer Business Edition version directly from within the app
Improved the way ANSI escape codes are handled in logs. With this enhancement, logs will now provide clearer and more readable information by effectively stripping out ANSI escape codes.
Fixed a user interface issue where only up to 100 groups were being displayed. portainer/portainer#10160
Addressed an issue where using incorrect Azure registry credentials resulted in errors, even after updating with correct credentials, the issue persisted. portainer/portainer#10159
Resolved an issue where custom templates created from Git were not being pulled again at deploy time. This improvement has also been extended to Kubernetes custom templates. portainer/portainer#10157
Resolved an issue with new React version list screens where filter icons were not positioned next to the correct column heading but were abutting the next heading along. portainer/portainer#10098
Applied changes to the helper-reset-password utility to prevent it being accidentally used with the Docker Desktop Extension version of Portainer (where it could break access to the Portainer instance). portainer/portainer#10109
Replaced archived gorilla/securecookie library with just the function that we need extracted out. portainer/portainer#10008
Transitioned Edge stack environments table to React, delivering a more dynamic user experience with modernized interface, improved performance, and interactive management. portainer/portainer#10210
REST API Changes
Corrected API method from 'GET' to 'POST' and path for generate edge key in Swagger API docs
Documented 'excludeSnapshots' in Swagger API docs portainer/portainer#10130
Documented webhook types in Swagger API docs portainer/portainer#9121
Resolved a 2.0 validation error in our Swagger API documentation portainer/portainer#10135
Corrected an error in our Swagger API documentation where 'EdgeTunnelServerAddress' was marked as required. It is now correctly marked as optional
We have updated the response for /endpoint to correctly reference 'EdgeCheckinInterval' in line with the accurate API Swagger documentation portainer/portainer#10139
Corrected missing type and 'file' to 'File' in Swagger API documentation for custom templates portainer/portainer#10141
Added descriptions to the Swagger API documentation for Kubernetes API endpoints that were previously missing from the docs. portainer/portainer#10106
Fixed an API issue where requests to create edge stacks with invalid deployment types were erroneously accepted portainer/portainer#10168
Addressed an issue in the 'edgeStackCreate' API where sending an incorrect request resulted in a 500 error response instead of the expected 400 error. portainer/portainer#10169
Fixed an issue in Swagger API documentation where 'endpointId' was incorrectly marked as optional. It is now correctly set as a required field portainer/portainer#10173
Removed the incorrect documentation for the DELETE method on the license API, as it is not supported. Documented the correct way to perform the operation using the POST method on the license API in Swagger API documentation.
Corrected Swagger API documentation for starting or stopping stacks portainer/portainer#8001
Corrected 'ResourceId' and 'endpointId' as required instead of optional in Swagger API documentation for webhooks portainer/portainer#9121
Fixed the Swagger API documentation to require 'endpointId' when updating a stack portainer/portainer#10161
Corrected 'Endpoints' to be listed in alphabetical order in Swagger API docs portainer/portainer#10158
Release 2.18.4
July 7, 2023
This release includes an experimental ChatGPT integration. Although it promises exciting possibilities, it's in the early stages of development. We recommend its use for testing and development, and urge caution in production environments. We greatly appreciate your feedback and understanding during this phase. portainer/portainer#9116
Resolved CVEs
Upgraded Docker Compose version to v2.17.2 for Portainer Agent. portainer/portainer#9095
Resolve a problem building Portainer due to an issue with v1.53.0 of golangci-lint. portainer/portainer#9057
Resolved an issue where users were unable to migrate or duplicate their swarm stack. portainer/portainer#9097
Resolved an issue where the static IP addresses in a macvlan were unexpectedly changed. portainer/portainer#9101
Enhanced the user experience of the 'Skip TLS Verification' feature by adding a confirmation modal. portainer/portainer#9098
Resolved an issue where recreate containers fail when it has a shared and external volumes. portainer/portainer#9102
Fixed issue where registry credential does not sync between registry configuration page and registry details page.
Fixed an issue around prompting for a new license.
Improved the way node count shows for trial licenses.
Resolved an issue where update or rollback was only executed when connection was re-established.
Introduced a change to allow removal of all Portainer licenses.
Fixed an issue where a warning banner was not always showing in the Homepage or Licenses page when licenses were close to expiring.
REST API Changes
Resolved an issue where the response from the API was inconsistent when querying all endpoints and a specific endpoint. portainer/portainer#9096
Corrected 'container' to 'containers' in Swagger API docs (Business Edition).
Release 2.18.3
May 22, 2023
In this release, we introduce an experimental ChatGPT integration. Although it promises exciting possibilities, it's in the early stages of development. We recommend its use for testing and development, and urge caution in production environments. We greatly appreciate your feedback and understanding during this phase.
Fixed issue preventing configuration of Portainer authentication settings with an alternative mTLS certificate
Resolved issue causing edge agent to skip command processing during full snapshot resend
Restored options and wording in the Kubernetes Advanced deployment screen's Automatic updates section, following regression from changes in 2.17. (portainer/portainer#8950)
Resolved issue preventing correct display of network details when containers are running on an unexpected Docker swarm node. (portainer/portainer#8981)
Introduced ChatGPT integration as an experimental feature, currently not recommended for production environment use
Fixed issue preventing LDAP server from creating a connection when using TLS 1.2. (portainer/portainer#8980)
Implemented minor UI changes to clarify existing experimental and beta features, ensuring accurate icon and wording display. (portainer/portainer#8951)
Corrected an issue causing the polling indicator to float incorrectly in UI when pulling Git repo list on the stack creation page. (portainer/portainer#8982)
Resolved syntax styling display issue in web editor. (portainer/portainer#8984)
Improved button color contrast in web editor. (portainer/portainer#8985)
Fixed visual hierarchy in web editor selection behavior. (portainer/portainer#8986)
REST API Changes
Corrected 'team' to 'teams' in Swagger API docs. (portainer/portainer#8983)
Release 2.18.2
May 1, 2023
Upgrade notice
Users upgrading from 2.16.x should note that a bug was introduced then which prevented enforcing of TLS verifications. This has now been fixed but, in circumstances where certificates were not set up correctly and appeared to work due to the bug, you may now need to resolve the certificate issue or deliberately set the new ‘Skip verification’ toggle.
Fixed issue where users were unable to update their Edge Agent to the latest version because the corresponding option was not available when creating a scheduled update
Increased potential success rate of updating Portainer with larger databases by changing Kubernetes manifest and Helm chart for Portainer to have
of 45 (sec) andfailureThreshold
of 3. portainer/portainer#8860
Fixed issue where users were unable to pull the latest image from the image details page portainer/portainer#8847
Fixed issue where the option to skip TLS verification was missing when editing a stack created from git. Additionally, to adhere to security best practices, the option’s default value has been corrected to be set to off during migration portainer/portainer#8853
Fixed issue where TLS verification was being skipped when creating / editing stacks created from git in version 2.16.x portainer/portainer#8853
Fixed issue where the port number in the displayed webhook link was incorrect when Portainer was running behind a reverse proxy
Resolved an issue with the updated web editor component, where it was not loading long YAML files correctly portainer/portainer#8848
Release 2.18.1
April 18, 2023
Please note 2.18.0 is not publicly available. This release is 2.18.1 and is our next GA release since "2.17.x". This was done due to the need to provide an upgradeable preview image to a customer.
Breaking changes
For breaking changes in the API, please see the REST API changes section.
The Kompose functionality in Kubernetes has been removed since 2.17.0. Compose yaml can no longer be deployed on Kubernetes.
Moved edge devices to the homepage view and removed edge devices menu option under edge compute.
Add devices button is replaced with new UX in environment wizard.
Resolved CVEs
Upgrade notice
Since release 2.17.x we have added the ability to upgrade Edge Agents from Portainer when running on Docker Standalone / Docker Swarm / Nomad. Before using this feature we strongly advise to test this on a non-production environment first and have an alternative method available to connect to the Edge Device.
Any clusters connected to Portainer of version 1.23 Kubernetes and above will have their Pod Security Policies (if they have any and are using the pod security constraints feature) updated to the Pod Security Standards
Introduced a retry policy for edge stack deployment to improve success rate
Fixed issue where browse snapshot button was clickable for Kubernetes and Nomad edge agents in async mode
Fixed issue where upgrading edge agent from ECR private registry using certificates failed
Fixed issue when browsing async edge agents before first snapshot is received.
Provide feature flag for FDO feature to be shown in UI portainer/portainer#8696
Fixed issue when browsing non-existent async agent snapshot cause backend panic
Fixed issue for remote update schedules error incorrectly displaying for non admin users
Fixed the issue where the edge stack is not removed from edge agent when it has been deleted while edge agent is offline
Fixed issue where live connect button is clickable for async environment when it shouldn't be portainer/portainer#8697
Fixed issue where edge agent panics with malformed edge key
Introduced ability to view container's environment variable when browsing snapshot
Removed "Add Edge devices" from Edge Compute and introduced to Environment wizard by renaming Edge Agent to Edge Agent Standard and introduced Edge Agent Async UI options portainer/portainer#8783
Fixed an issue where "copy token" button was missing from edge agent environment wizard portainer/portainer#8554
Introduced remote updating edge agent from a private registry for docker standalone environment
Introduced ability to assign group, edge groups and tags to edge environment when using AEEC script
Fixed issue where live connect button is clickable for async environment when it shouldn't be portainer/portainer#8697
Fixed issue where edge job logs was not retrieved correctly when edge groups contain async devices
Changed default value for async check-in intervals from disabled to 1 minute to improve success rate of initial edge agent connection
Renamed AEEC to "Auto onboarding" for better user understanding
Introduced a new feature to allow creating of a MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster on existing machines.
Improved performance of Kubernetes screens by adjusting rate limiting of Kubernetes go client. portainer/portainer#8682
Fixed an issue when provisioning a Civo Kubernetes cluster with the Kubernetes version left as the latest, due to Civo introducing Talos as a new Kubernetes cluster type (instead of K3s on Alpine) which then only applied to the latest Kubernetes version.
Improved Kubernetes Applications page performance by introducing a namespace filter. portainer/portainer#8637
Improved Kubernetes Dashboard page performance. portainer/portainer#8635
Improved the load time of various Kubernetes pages by removing existing API calls that retrieve namespace resource quota information, where they are not needed. portainer/portainer#8571
Introduced the ability to set annotations against various different Kubernetes objects via the existing form pages.
Introduced a new Services screen in Kubernetes environments to improve the visibility of all services that may exist in a cluster, and enable removing where they've inadvertently been left behind after manual removal of applications/deployments. portainer/portainer#8613
Introduced the ability to upload an internal SSL/TLS certificate which can then be used to access a Helm repository hosted on a private server.
Updated the pod security constraints feature to use newer OPA Gatekeeper 2.9 and moved the feature away from using Pod Security Policy resources with Kubernetes clusters of 1.23 and above (as they are now removed in Kubernetes 1.25 and above).
Added migration to ensure existing pod security constraints work on environments with new Pod Security Standards of updated OPA Gatekeeper 2.9. This includes migrating edge environments on post-upgrade connect that may occur on clicking into via Homepage.
Resolved an issue where pod security constraints were not being enforced (since 2.16).
Fixed issue where users are not able to re-create container with multiple networks
Fixed issue with relative path not working when private registry is used, due to private registry credentials not passing to unpacker
Resolved an issue where default storage detection logic that runs on Kubernetes environment connection was incorrectly running on Docker environment connection, and was therefore causing an error to be output to the logs (but was otherwise benign). portainer/portainer#8606
Improved the existing UI around GPU support for Docker Standalone environments, introduced an overall toggle to turn this on or off and generally improved performance in Docker Containers and Stacks screens where GPU columns may show. portainer/portainer#8646
Defaulted the image up to date indicator to on for new Docker environments added, or on upgrade from CE to BE for all Docker environments (now that caching and Ajax load performance improvements have been applied to this feature).
Fixed an issue where stack name validation was missing, causing deployments to fail portainer/portainer#8629
Fixed issue where Nomad Edge Agent install script causes error when using environment variables
Introduced ability to upgrade edge agent in Nomad environment from within portainer UI
Fixed issue where container log not showing when logs contain NULL value
Added form validation for S3 compatible host field
Resolved a minor UI issue with the Container details page's container health panel alignment and content label wrapping. portainer/portainer#8636
Fixed a typo in the placeholder text for the access control component's Authorized users dropdown where it said 'teams' but should have said 'users'. portainer/portainer#8565
Fixed issue where stack can not be deleted if relative path is removed from the mount point
Fixed issue where logs in JSON format displayed incorrectly in log viewer portainer/portainer#8787
Resolved an issue with slow performance of certain actions (such as bulk removing of unused container volumes or adding of Kubernetes ingresses) when a user has a long list of notifications (shown via the bell icon in the page header). portainer/portainer#8604
Fixed issue where you can not connect or configure Azure private registry from Portainer while registry is empty
Added release testing of ARM32 architecture for Portainer Agent
Resolved an issue that occurred when updating user preferences. portainer/portainer#8570
Introduced UI mechanism for automatic retrying of tunnel connection when it fails due to high latency portainer/portainer#8784
Added certificate support of AWS IAM Role Anywhere authentication for Agent and Edge Agent portainer/portainer#8789
Updated hide internal authentication prompt option to default to off
Fixed issue where searching is not functional in associated edge environment when creating edge group portainer/portainer#8589
Fixed issue with Docker Swarm environment where containers count weren't displaying correctly in homepage. portainer/portainer#8695
Fixed issue where skipping https verification was default to true for Azure git deployment portainer/portainer#8698
Fixed issue where TLS Min Version was not fully enforced portainer/portainer#8788
Fixed a minor issue on restarting a container where the toaster pop-up message shown had an extraneous slash in front of the container name. portainer/portainer#8563
Introduced ability to use different certificate for mTLS communication between Portainer server and agent.
Fixed an issue while in dark mode, where, with any auto-filled text in fill-ins, the cursor completely disappeared until you started typing again. portainer/portainer#8564
Resolved a minor issue in the Browse Registry screen on Kubernetes environments, where the Registries breadcrumb link would take non-admin users back to the Homepage instead of the Registries list screen.
Provide feature flag for FDO feature to be shown in UI portainer/portainer#8696
Fixed issue of missing requirement of TLS definition for endpoint creation and correct tagids parameter in swagger API portainer/portainer#8780
Improved Edge Agent Health status indicator and keep consistency with API response portainer/portainer#8781
Fixed issue where git deployment failed to edit or redeploy when compose path begin with slash portainer/portainer#8782
Fixed an issue in the restore from backup function, where a timeout error can occur and Portainer does not restart with the backup restored. portainer/portainer#8792
Improved the layering of the Portainer Dockerfile to ensure internal development-related aspects are excluded where possible. portainer/portainer#8559
Migrated git deployment page form Angular to React portainer/portainer#8785
Migrated code editor component from Angular to React portainer/portainer#8786
Introduced Tailwind prettier which will group utility classes project-wide and order them in a recommended way, making it easier to work with them. portainer/portainer#8560
Introduced replacement for bootbox with react components portainer/portainer#8588
Improved the feature flag architecture to make it easier to use. portainer/portainer#8562
Resolved incorrect usage of log.fatal to ensure the application exits only as necessary. portainer/portainer#8561
REST API Changes
Fixed the API Swagger/OpenAPI documentation for some IDs that were defined as strings but should be integers. portainer/portainer#8794
Added to the API Swagger/OpenAPI documentation that you can upload a file to a Docker Standalone host when the host management feature is enabled. portainer/portainer#8793
Release 2.17.1
February 22, 2023
Resolved CVEs
Resolved the false positive report of Portainer binaries from VirusTotal. portainer/portainer#8519
Fixed issue with recreating containers in the Portainer UI if they have been originally created via the CLI. portainer/portainer#8507
Fixed an issue where upgrading to Business Edition leaves behind limited stack. portainer/portainer#8516
Fixed an issue where Edge Agent updater leaves behind limited stack.
Fixed grammar of placeholder for region field in S3 backup configuration. portainer/portainer#8515
Fixed an issue where an error occurred for upgrading Portainer to 2.17.0 version when Docker engine version is 19.03. portainer/portainer#8514
Fixed an issue where node enforcement message displayed incorrectly for trial license users.
Fixed an issue where git credentials are not selected when editing stack deployed from git repository.
Release 2.17.0
February 7, 2023
Known issues
Running Portainer with Docker Engine <= 19.03 (Docker API <= 1.40) will cause a fatal error similar to
failed initializing upgrade service | error="failed to determine container platform: failed to retrieve docker info: Error response from daemon: client version 1.41 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.40"
Breaking changes
For breaking changes in the API, please see the REST API changes section
The Kompose functionality in Kubernetes has been removed. Compose yaml can no longer be deployed on Kubernetes.
Moved Edge Devices to the homepage view and removed Edge Devices menu option under Edge Compute
Add devices button is temporarily located on the Edge Compute Settings page
Resolved CVEs
Portainer dependencies
CVE-2022-27191 - in Go
GHSA-8c26-wmh5-6g9v - in Go
CVE-2022-27664 - net/http in Go
CVE-2022-29526 - Go
SNYK-JS-XMLDOMXMLDOM-3092934 - javascript
CVE-2022-23806 - kompose
CVE-2022-41720 - kompose
CVE-2022-41716 - kompose
CVE-2022-41715 - kompose
CVE-2022-32189 - kompose
CVE-2022-30635 - kompose
CVE-2022-30634 - kompose
CVE-2022-30633 - kompose
CVE-2022-30632 - kompose
CVE-2022-30631 - kompose
CVE-2022-30630 - kompose
CVE-2022-30580 - kompose
CVE-2022-29804 - kompose
CVE-2022-2880 - kompose
CVE-2022-2879 - kompose
CVE-2022-28327 - kompose
CVE-2022-28131 - kompose
CVE-2022-27664 - kompose
CVE-2022-24921 - kompose
CVE-2022-24675 - kompose
CVE-2022-23772 - kompose
CVE-2021-44716 - kompose
CVE-2021-41772 - kompose
CVE-2021-41771 - kompose
CVE-2021-39293 - kompose
CVE-2021-33198 - kompose
CVE-2021-33196 - kompose
CVE-2021-33195 - kompose
CVE-2021-27918 - kompose
CVE-2020-16845 - kompose
CVE-2022-41717 - kompose
CVE-2022-32148 - kompose
CVE-2022-29526 - kompose
CVE-2022-1962 - kompose
CVE-2022-1705 - kompose
CVE-2021-44717 - kompose
CVE-2021-36221 - kompose
CVE-2021-34558 - kompose
CVE-2021-33197 - kompose
CVE-2021-31525 - kompose
CVE-2021-3114 - kompose
CVE-2020-24553 - kompose
CVE-2020-15586 - kompose
CVE-2020-14039 - kompose
CVE-2022-30629 - kompose
Agent dependencies
CVE-2022-27664 - net/http in Go
Upgrade notice
This release has added the ability to upgrade Edge Agents from Portainer when running on Docker Standalone. Before using this feature we strongly advise to test this on a non-production environment first and have an alternative method available to connect to the Edge Device.
Introduced the ability to remotely update edge agents from within Portainer
Moved Edge Devices to the homepage view: portainer/portainer#8333
Introduced the ability to browse snapshots of async edge environments from homepage view: portainer/portainer#8336
Optimized performance for scaling large numbers of edge agents: portainer/portainer#8349
Introduced option for pre-pull of images for edge stack deployment to increase deployment success rate
Added edge group support in edge jobs to allow execution across many devices
Introduce the ability to edit edge agent tunnel URL and API server URL from within Portainer
Introduced improved environment tile layout to address consistency when edge devices moved to homepage: portainer/portainer#8334
Clarified UX around polling intervals and poll frequency option in edge compute settings between async and normal edge agents.
Added info text to waiting room view
Fixed issue where edge stack incorrectly deployed to default namespace when there is a specified namespace defined in the manifest: portainer/portainer#8346
Fixed issue where select all checkbox is missing for edge stack and edge job tables: portainer/portainer#8029
Fixed issue with Edge device tags not showing on Create Edge Group screen: portainer/portainer#7936
Fixed issue where delete edge device does not remove it from the edge groups mapping: portainer/portainer#8348
Fixed issue where edge stack failed to deploy with private registry in async mode
Fixed issue where actions icon under edit edge stack page is not consistent
Introduced new log viewer to Portainer Business Edition
Introduced the ability to edit the YAML manifest of Kubernetes objects and apply the changes via the Kubernetes patch function
Introduced global and cluster-level options to allow enforcing of code-based deployment of Kubernetes objects, preventing the use of Portainer forms and other less easy-to-repeat workflows
Introduced a new setting in the Cluster setup screen of a Kubernetes environment to allow enforcing of admin-only deploying of ingresses
Introduced the ability to specify updates to existing environment variables of a deployment via query string parameters on the Kubernetes application redeploy webhook
Added a rolling restart button to the Kube application UI
Introduced a new rollout-restart parameter to Kube application redeploy webhooks to allow remote initiating of zero-downtime deployment rolling restarts
Introduced an alternate means of authenticating connections to the Google Cloud platform (used by our KaaS provisioning of Google Kubernetes Engine environments), following their deprecation of the gcp auth plugin in Kubernetes v1.22 and removal in v1.26
Introduced experimental Kubernetes functionality (behind a feature flag) to allow installing of MicroK8s to existing machines
The Kubernetes deployment option for docker-compose format manifests and the Kompose conversion tool that enabled this have now been removed due to long-standing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in Kompose: portainer/portainer#8355
Improved the explanatory tooltips and info text for Kube application automatic updates functionality: portainer/portainer#8223
Updated Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) cluster provisioning to use the latest eksctl tool for the AWS EKS platform, and support up to v1.23 of Kubernetes (use of this version was previously failing)
Resolved an issue where Kubernetes secrets were no longer shown in an expand panel for each application listed in the Applications list screen: portainer/portainer#8118
Improved config setting defaults when connecting clusters: ingress controllers (with a class) are auto detected/set as allowed, metrics API features setting is on (if metrics server is deployed), and storage classes with the 'default' annotation are on: portainer/portainer#8240
The Kubernetes Operator role is not intended to have secrets update permission and hence, as a security consideration, this permission is now removed from Portainer
Corrected the look of the fallback icon used for Helm charts that don't have their own icon: portainer/portainer#8116
Made a change to default the resource quota's resource assignment setting to off for new Kubernetes namespaces but always show the toggle (although it can be disabled for change if the cluster's (BE only) allow over-commit setting is off): portainer/portainer#8122
In the Kubernetes Add ingress screen, corrected the namespace selection dropdown to only show those that the user has access to: portainer/portainer#8150
Added a check in Kube Cluster setup and Namespace -> Manage access to see if Kube RBAC addon is enabled in the cluster, and if not, show a warning that Portainer RBAC functionality will be limited. Warning also gives info on enabling RBAC in the cluster: portainer/portainer#8171
Resolved an issue that was causing an 'Unable to get k8s environment access' error on deleting of a Kubernetes edge environment
When connecting a Kubernetes environment to Portainer via kubeconfig import, stop deleting of any extant 'portainer' namespace in the cluster
When using Kubernetes (KaaS) cluster provisioning and choosing the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) option, only node size options that are valid for provisioning now show. Previously, there was at least one option which gave an error on use
Resolved two scenarios where importing of the kubeconfig of a Kubernetes cluster raised an error that caused a stuck 'Deploying' status
In Kube Create namespace and Namespace details screens, made the resource assignment toggle always visible - even when the cluster's resource over-commit option is off (when it will show but be disabled for change)
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.16, where deploying of an ingress via the Portainer Add ingress form does not label the ingress object in the cluster with a Portainer 'internal' deployment label. Any deployment of ingress via Portainer should have this: portainer/portainer#8337
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.16, where, when attaching a ConfigMap to an application being deployed via the Portainer Add application form, the ConfigMap is wrongly included as a Secret in the manifest and the deployment could therefore fail: portainer/portainer#8323
Fixed an incorrect mention in the UI of a 'docker-compose file' which was showing when editing a Kube application deployed from git: portainer/portainer#8228
Fixed an issue preventing adding of a Helm repo that has a redirect: portainer/portainer#7892
Fixed an issue where the kubectl shell does not work when Istio Proxy is installed in the cluster: portainer/portainer#8321
Fixed an issue introduced in 2.16 where the Kube Create namespace screen's CPU and Memory resource allocation max limits did not have other namespaces' resource amounts subtracted when the cluster's allow resource over-commit option was turned off
Introduced support of relative paths for volumes when creating a Docker Standalone or Swarm stack that uses a git repository. Support in edge stacks is excluded at present: portainer/portainer#6390
Introduced new log viewer to Portainer Business Edition
Introduced pull image param for stack webhook to turn pull-image on and off
Introduced 24 hour caching for new image notification
Upgraded docker compose to v2.13.0: portainer/portainer#8289
Provided clarification and rewording in the UI around the 'Pull latest image' toggle in Stacks, Swarm Services and Service details update and Container recreate: portainer/portainer#8226
Updated embedded docker binaries in Portainer and agent from 20.10.13 to 20.10.18: portainer/portainer#8290
Fixed issue of not been able to associate stack created from other docker environments: portainer/portainer#8030
Fixed issue where content overlap edge of screen and left column becomes too narrow: portainer/portainer#8161
Fixed issue where default option for access control is not selected when editing public resource: portainer/portainer#8162
Fixed incorrect wording for private box selector under user access control: portainer/portainer#7969
Fixed issue where text input jumps to the end of the input box in repository form: portainer/portainer#8214
Fixed issue where scrollbar always visible in web editor form regardless contents of web editor: portainer/portainer#7968
Fixed issue where number of stopped container does not display in dashboard correctly: portainer/portainer#7925
Fixed an issue where deleting a network, config or secret did not show a confirmation warning modal: portainer/portainer#7920
Fixed an issue where a user cannot upload a stack file as a custom template: portainer/portainer#7921
Fixed an issue where the old-style UI was still being used in a Docker template-related page: portainer/portainer#7950
Fixed issue where container webhook URL always changed on each recreation
Fixed issue where new image notification only relies on checking first digest which is not always accurate: portainer/portainer#7148
Introduced support for S3 compatible hosts for backup and restore: portainer/portainer#6555
Introduced support for GitHub container registry as a registry type
On the header context sensitive help icon, the red dot notification has been removed. This was put there to highlight the new feature in 2.16: portainer/portainer#8167
Updated Portainer dependencies of Business Edition
Upgraded version of from v0.0.0 to v0.1.0 for agent: portainer/portainer#8073
Upgraded jwt version to 4.4.2: portainer/portainer#7970
Improved Portainer tooltips to allow them to stay open long enough for clicking of links and selecting of text in them. Also left-justified them for better readability: portainer/portainer#8224
Resolved an issue related to revoking of user permissions: portainer/portainer#8338
Fixed issue where password could be leaked to the log files when errors occur: portainer/portainer#8343
Fixed issue when navigating to the login page log as a unique visitor in Matomo: portainer/portainer#8344
Fixed an svg attribute height error in the page (visible via the browser console): portainer/portainer#8105
Fixed typo where "occured" is used in error message instead of "occurred": portainer/portainer#8027
Fixed issue where long notification is pushed out of table making it hard to read: portainer/portainer#8215
Fixed incorrect link for other settings and agent setup: portainer/portainer#8347
Fixed issue where deleted environment does not clear in table and sidebar when deleting current selected environment: portainer/portainer#8291
Fixed issue where standard users were not able to change ownership to their own team: portainer/portainer#8216
Fixed issue where user encountered an error by deleting tags associated to deleted environments: portainer/portainer#8089
Fixed an issue where the 'hide for all users' button styling behaves differently in dark mode: portainer/portainer#7926
Fixed a minor issue where the pages and items per page elements in data table pagination controls did not quite vertically align with each other: portainer/portainer#8227
Fixed issue where team lead feature is unexpectedly enabled when external authentication is enabled with team sync: portainer/portainer#7972
Fixed issue where response from API when creating edge environments wasn't clearly specifying that URL is compulsory: portainer/portainer#7997
Fixed issue where internal authentication setting is not saved when switch from other authentication method without refreshing browser manually: portainer/portainer#8028
Fixed issue where admin users are not able to delete expired or revoked license
Fixed issue where user unable to remove group configuration with active directory authentication: portainer/portainer#7558
Fixed issue where user is not removed from team when removed from LDAP group