Add a new container

Select Containers from the menu then click Add container.

Configure the container settings as required.

Image configuration section

When using Docker Hub you can use the Search button to search for the image you have entered, and ensure that you have the correct name and tag. Portainer also displays the number of pulls remaining for your Docker Hub account when using an anonymous account.

Alternatively you can switch to advanced mode to manually enter registry and image details. This is useful if you want to do a one-off container deployment from a registry that isn't configured within Portainer.


Toggle Create a container webhook on to create a webhook for the container. You can send a POST request to this endpoint to automate pulling the most up-to-date image and re-deploy your container.

Network ports configuration section

Actions section

Once complete, set any advanced options (see below) then click Deploy the container. If successful your container will be shown in the container list.

Advanced container settings

Choose from a range of options to customize the deployment.