Authenticate via OAuth

Configuring OAuth authentication in Portainer

From the menu select Settings then select Authentication. Under the Authentication method section click OAuth.

In the next screen, enter the credentials provided by your OAuth provider, using the table below as a guide.



Enable SSO so that the OAuth provider won't be forced to ask for credentials when users are in a current logged-in session.

Hide internal authentication prompt

Hide the ability to log in through internal authentication.

Automatic user provisioning

If toggled on, users who exist at the OAuth provider's end will automatically be created in Portainer (you can define a default team to put those users in while this option is on). If toggled off, you'll need to create users in Portainer manually.

If you toggle Automatic team membership on, you can choose to automatically add OAuth users to certain Portainer teams based on the Claim name. Claim names will be matched with teams or you can manually link a claim name (using regex) with Portainer teams under the Statically assigned teams option. You can also define a Default team for users who don't belong to any other team.

In addition, you can enable the automatic assignment of admin rights to specified groups if desired.

OAuth providers

Portainer provides pre-configured OAuth provider options or you can set up your own custom OAuth provider. Each of the pre-configured providers can have their configuration overridden if you need to make changes to the Portainer defaults.


Configure your OAuth provider using the table below as a guide.


Tenant ID

Enter the ID of the Azure Directory you wish to authenticate against. This is also known as the Directory ID.

Application ID

Enter the public identifier of the OAuth application.

Application key

Enter the secret key for the OAuth application.

You can find these details using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Azure Portal as an administrator.

  2. Click on Azure Active Directory and then click on Properties. Your Directory ID can be found in the right pane. Use this as the Tenant ID in Portainer.

  3. Still in Azure Active Directory, click on App Registrations then click New Application Registration.

    Enter a friendly name for the Portainer instance. Keep the Application type as Web App / API. In the Sign-on URL field, enter the FQDN or IP address that your Portainer instance listens on. Then click Create.

  4. After creating the app, the screen below is displayed. Use the provided Application ID in the respective field in Portainer.

  5. Click on Settings then click Keys.

    Under the Passwords section create a new key called login. Set the Duration to never expires and then click Save. The key will then be generated for you. Use this key as the Application key in the respective field in Portainer.

When you're finished, click Save settings.


Configure your OAuth provider using the table below as a guide.


Client ID

Enter the public identifier of the OAuth application.

Client secret

Enter the secret key for the OAuth application.

When you're finished, click Save settings.


Configure your OAuth provider using the table below as a guide.


Client ID

Enter the public identifier of the OAuth application.

Client secret

Enter the secret key for the OAuth application.

When you're finished, click Save settings.


Complete the OAuth Configuration section based on the table below.


Client ID

Enter the public identifier of the OAuth application.

Client secret

Enter the token access to the OAuth application.

Authorization URL

Enter the URL used to authenticate against the OAuth provider (will redirect users to the OAuth provider login screen).

Access token URL

Enter the URL used to exchange a valid OAuth authentication code for an access token.

Resource URL

Enter the URL used by Portainer to retrieve information about authenticated users.

Redirect URL

Enter the URL used by the OAuth provider to redirect users after they are successfully authenticated (also referred to as the callback URL). You should set this to your Portainer instance URL.

Logout URL

Enter the URL used by the OAuth provider to log users out.

User identifier

Enter the identifier that Portainer will use to create accounts for authenticated users. Retrieved from the resource server specified in the Resource URL field.


Required by the OAuth provider to retrieve information about authenticated users. See your provider's own documentation for more information.

When you're finished, click Save settings.

Giving environment access to OAuth teams and users

See Managing user access to environments.

Last updated